What Does That Mean For Us?

This week on A Podcast About Catholic Things, Eric (The Ambassador of Common Sense) and Dan (The Ambassador of Nonsense) discuss some of the theories concerning the Francis pontificate… is it possible that he's really not the pope? If so, what does that mean for Catholics right now? What can be done about the situation, regarding his heresy?

In the news, Ottawa police continue to deal with protesters, who admit that the freedom convoy is coming to an end. Blades of Glory becomes reality in Olympics. Russia invades Ukraine, and no one steps in to help.

In the land of nonsense, woman wins lottery after playing her license plate number. Man has tooth growing in nose. Baby ghost shark caught in New Zealand. Artwork removed when local business man sees himself.

Saint of the week: Saint Erasmus of Formia

show notes:

Dumb luck can come from any source...

Remember Mom's admonition to not "inhale your food"?

Cool stuff in nature

I would remove it just because of the mask...