This week on A Podcast About Catholic Things, Eric (The Ambassador of Common Sense) and Dan (The Ambassador of Nonsense) discuss Pope Francis's latest letter to the faithful: Desiderio Desideravi… I desire to desire? The letter is Francis's thoughts on The Last Supper, and the way we participate in that (and in the crucifixion) - -the Mass. He is himself through much of the document, but surprisingly brilliant in other parts. It's almost as if he suffers schizophrenia. Also discuss, obviously, is the recent decision from the Supreme Court overturning Roe V Wade.

In the news, inflation hits high in UK…. And everywhere else. UK finds Polio in sewage. Nike stops selling in Russia. NY starts Monkeypox clinic and distributes vaccines. Senate passes gun control measures. Scientists discover giant bacterium. 21 people found dead in bar. 46 people found dead in truck. New Orleans and Utah judges ban abortion bans, South Carolina judge lifts abortion ban.

In the world of nonsense, Alexa to sound like dead relatives. Fashion show like you've never seen. Pope Francis gives advice to mums. Dan won't kiss face.

show notes:


Lettter from Pope Francis:


That lint you've been brushing away...?

Just make sure you tell your kids first!

You don't know how hard those fashion people work...until you try to be one!

Pope has some pragmatic advice for young men...and it's actually pretty good! (But the tone of this article seems to be critical...hmm.)