This week on A Podcast About Catholic Things, Eric (The Ambassador of Common Sense) discuss lent. What it is, what it's from, and what we're supposed to do. This is also Eric and Dan's first video podcast.

In current events, avalanches in the east. Black hawk crash. Israel interferes with elections. Turkey earthquakes. Mississippi killing spree. JAXA failure. Biden goes to Ukraine. Putin building nukes. German bishops are whacked. UNICEF forcing sterilization. Jim Jordan asks for FBI answers. Pope Francis defrocks nuns. Restricts TLM. KY upholding abortion bans. People fleeing to Florida for abortions. Pentagon exporting abortions. Bishop David O'Connell murdered. Spain allows bestiality, and allows all abortions. O'Keefe fired. Oklahoma judge upholds family. Idaho banning mRNA technology.

In the world of nonsense, IT people get a shift bell. Dog attacks shark.


show notes:

Pope Francis Destroys The Church Pictures:

pf1 pf2

pf3 pf4

Dan's notes:

Workaholics need not apply

Why you shouldn't take dogs on pleasure boat rides

Eric's notes:

• Spain passes radical law repealing abortion restrictions, mandating pro-LGBT sex ed for children

○ The new law strips informed consent requirements for abortion, creates a public list of pro-life doctors, and mandates homosexual and transgender ideology at all education levels.
