Women Who Hate Men

This week on A Podcast About Catholic Things, Eric (The Ambassador of Common Sense) and Dan (The Ambassador of Nonsense) discuss the modern cultural phenomenon of angry women… especially when that anger is pointed at men.  It seems to be getting more and more prevalent, and we have yet to find a reason.  The female anger against men seems to be going somewhere, and it's not pretty.  Angry women might have more anger at their own nature than at man's nature. 

In current events, Russia and Ukraine continue to fight--and the US media continues to lie about it.  Cardinal Zen is arrested… Pope Francis is silent.  Floods in Afghanistan.  Wild fires in Russia.  Taliban says women can't show faces.  Iraq puts a kibosh on bread protests.  Kentucky Derby won by long-shot.  Washington Post wins Pulitzer Prize.  Sweden might join NATO.  Apple will no longer make iPod.  Greeks say no help for SSA.  Cryptocurrency takes a dive.  Event Horizon photograph's Sagittarius A*, the
Milky Way's black hole.  Other scientists grow plant in lunar soil.

In the land of nonsense, Huffington Post constant weird news item.  Metallica baby is born.  Class buries skeleton.  Man makes large bubble.  Non-pilot lands plane.  Man fits car in truck.

show notes:

non-pilot lands plane:


This is the always the first story on huffpost.com weird news

Metallica Baby

Class buries skeleton

What was he doing wrong, exactly?