This week on A Podcast About Catholic Things, Eric (The Ambassador of Common Sense) and Dan (The Ambassador of Nonsense) discuss the good and bad forces at work in America right now. Will good win out over bad? And what about all these bad guys? Will they pay for their sins? Historically, it seems they don't.

In current events, Biden gives Germany the okay to buy oil from Russia. Israeli conflict is over, but people are still protesting, and China is chiming in. A new commission to investigate January 6 'riot.' Idaho poised to take Oregon. Ineffective federal committees all agree to talk to each other. Feds are finally able to use Bitcoin to track criminals. Germany bans culling male chicks. CNA pays off hackers. More George Floyd protests. Biden plans to give money to Black, Hispanic, and American Indian farmers.

In the land of nonsense, woman with 67 traffic tickets holds meeting in car. Cheating girlfriend is caught not cleaning her toilet. Dan's son had weird Walmart experience in parking lot. Pope Francis is proud of his new Judas painting.