This week on A Podcast About Catholic Things, Eric (The Ambassador of Common Sense) and Dan (The Ambassador of Nonsense) discuss the art of prepping--stockpiling food, supplies, guns, and ammo. Is it really a Catholic reaction to the dystopian predictions that have been a part of American culture since the 50's? If not, what SHOULD Catholics be doing to prepare for unknown apocalyptic events?

In the news, ISIL active in Syria. Russia still moving in on Ukraine and now China moving in on the Philippines. In Italy, the government loses power to censor. FBI charges man with conspiracy to blow up Amazon. Iran is getting closer to nuclear weaponry. A police officer accidentally shoots a man. More bird flus from China. France forbids domestic flights and forces train rides.

In the world of nonsense, Amber alert is sent out for Chucky doll. Pakistani police use roller blades to catch bad guys better. Colleges brag about their incompetence and idiocy.

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