Is It Enough?

This week on A Podcast About Catholic Things, Eric (The Ambassador of Common Sense) and Dan (The Ambassador of Nonsense) talk about how much is enough, when it comes to living out the faith. Do Catholics have a duty to dig into devotions and dogmas they don't understand? Can't we just go to Mass every week and trust in our salvation? And how is it possible to gain interest in something someone considers uninteresting?

In current events, Australia is HOT. Italy stops the hunting of infected swine. Man takes synagogue hostage. Tonga destroyed from volcano. UK will eliminated TV viewing licenses. World gears up for war between Russia and Ukraine. Man found to have betrayed Anne Frank. Earthquake in Afghanistan. Pentecostal stampede in Liberia. Supreme Court says 'no' to Texas abortion mills.

In the land of nonsense, police arrest Elsa. Missouri police send out bat alert. Cops ignore robbery while playing Pokemon. Cops pull over car transporting 'body.' Dolphins play with pufferfish.

Saint of the week: Saint Tarcisius.

show notes:

Here's the mentioned picture:


 Is there some particular law that would have been violated?

Holy Pranks, Batman!

Some po-po do too little...

And some do to much

...and thanks for all the puffs (pufferfish, that is)